European Projects Festival is the grand event that aims to bring people together from every European country, people who are interested in learning about, discussing and deepening the big choices and challenges of the future of the European Union.
The Festival is for people and organisations working towards a fairer, more inclusive and more engaged Europe; young people and non-profit associations who are committed to a future of freedom, equality, and sustainability; schools and students that share ideas, experiences, and projects to improve their knowledge and skills and be aware citizens; artists and cultural operators, cultural institutions and cultural and creative industries who strive to promote, protect, and enhance the beauty of the unique and diverse European culture.
And more: local authorities, universities and research centres that are implementing innovation and modernisation projects for cities, communities, and territories in order to create more ecological, digital and resilient environments.
The Festival aspires to be a great opportunity to inform and educate on the great themes of Europe, create a network, exchange ideas and projects, share experiences, and celebrate. The Festival will bring the European Union to Ferrara’s city centre, a UNESCO heritage site, for three days of conferences, meetings, workshops, and events.
The Festival is an annual event, dedicated each time to a person or to a theme fundamental to European citizenship.
The 2024, the year of the European elections, is dedicated to young people, to their involvement in building the Europe of the future, to the possibilities that the European Union offers them to be informed and aware citizens.
Because "The European Union is not an accident of history" (David Sassoli).
EPF › 1st ED
FORUM › Conferences, seminars & workshops
FEST › Readings with authors
FEST › Screenings, shows & exhibitions
EPF › 1st ED
4 › 6 APR 2024
› A rich programme of conferences, congresses, and seminars, training workshops and presentations of success stories, on the topics of the European Union, its policies, the funds available through the Multiannual Budget 2021-2027 and NextGenerationEU.
› An exhibition space where all public and private organisations, that are involved in European Projects or are interested in opening up to the European context, can introduce themselves, get to know each other, exchange ideas and proposals and create networking opportunities.
› A cultural programme based on readings with authors, film screenings, live performances. A great moment of celebration, reflection and debate, on Europe and its values.
› Gala dinner and tasting spaces at the Festival venues with the involvement of students from the Istituto Vergani Navarra in Ferrara.
EPF › 1st ED
Ferrara is one of the most important cities of the Italian Renaissance. Provincial capital in the Emilia-Romagna Region, a land of plains and at the same time close to the Po river, so much so that it is defined as a “city of land and water”, in 1995 it obtained recognition from UNESCO as a world heritage site for the historical centre, and in 1999 for the Po delta and its Estense delights.
Of mediaeval origin, at the end of a harsh internal struggle, the Estense family asserted itself and assumed absolute power in 1242. Thus began a period of great wealth and fortune, which lasted over three centuries. Under the Este government, Ferrara became one of the most refined cultural centres of the Italian Renaissance.
The Marquis Leonello d’Este surrounded himself with artists, writers and musicians, creating a refined circle of intellectuals at court; his brother Borso is remembered for the reclamation works undertaken in the surrounded area, for the creation of the amazing Palazzo Schifanoia, for the sumptuous hunting trips, the lavish banquets, and for the title of Duke which he was awarded by Pope Paul II, only shortly before his death. Duke Ercole I promoted theatre and chivalric literature and commissioned the imposing and innovative urban project known as the “Herculean Addition”.
The Herculean Addition transformed the city into an urban model that earned it the title of “first modern capital of Europe”: designed and built by the architect and urban planner Biagio Rossetti, the addition not only doubled the surface area of the city, but its appearance radically changed.
Among its monuments we remember the Romanesque cathedral from 1135 and the streets of the mediaeval centre; the Estense Castle of 1385, which, from a severe fourteenth century fortress, over the course of the two following centuries, transformed into the sumptuous residence of one of the most splendid an famous courts in Europe; the Delizia di Schifanoia which preserves the famous astrological cycle of the Salone dei Mesi, created between 1469 and 1470 by the maestros of the Officina Ferrarese, such as Ercole de’ Roberti and Francesco del Cossa; the Palazzo dei Diamanti, focal point of the Addition in the famous Quadrivio degli Angeli, now home to important international exhibitions of modern and contemporary art; the mediaeval and Renaissance walls, which, subject to an impressive restoration in the 1990s, are a nine kilometre long route equipped for pedestrians and cyclists.
Ludovico Ariosto, Torquato Tasso, Giovanni Boldini, Giorgio Bassani and Michelangelo Antonioni are just some of the great intellectual and artistic personalities who were born in Ferrara, or found inspiration in Ferrara. Its cuisine and the high level of quality of life are famous, and all this can be experienced by cycling through the streets of its historical centre.
The Festival is an idea organized and promoted by Officine Europa.
Via Don Giovanni Verità 11
44124 · Ferrara, Italia
C.F. e P.IVA 02146970385
M. +39 353 46 36 926
Project Manager Alexandra Storari